
• Our age is characterized by many factors that are contributing to the gradual increase of psychological confusion
   (e.g. information overload, a dramatic decline in average attention span, growth of radicalized ideas, more mental disorders. etc).

• Improving the way we think and mental health have become real top necessities for the present and the future to come.

• With limited self-awareness, individuals may have severe difficulty understanding their own thought processes, and actions.





In summary, the EOF approach is similar to what is known as `metacognition`.
Metacognition is generally understood as thinking about the way we think, however the EOF approach places particular attention on the need to deeply and unbiasedly understand who the thinker is who wants to think about their own thinking.




The EOF coaching model uses an innovative approach.
We believe that incorporating metacognitive strategies can have a profound impact on individual growth and development of higher thinking skills.
Below, it is outlined the medium/long-term benefits that can arise from using this approach.

Benefits of using EOF coaching

• Enhanced self-awareness:
The EOF approach empowers individuals to recognize their strengths, weaknesses, biases, and learning preferences, facilitating greater self-awareness, improvement in thinking abilities, and personal growth.

• This approach enables thinkers to monitor their own comprehension, identify knowledge gaps, and cognitive fallacies deriving from beliefs or cultural / family / social / environmental conditioning, resulting in more efficient thinking skills and better emotional intelligence.

This is for

Anyone who is interested in knowing more about our mind and its traps and wishes to acquire better reasoning skills.

This is not about 

– Pseudoscience, quackery, and mumbo jumbos.
– ‘New-Age spirituality’. 
– Motivational `quick-fixes`.
– Psychotherapy
(although we also work with psychologists, this approach is not therapy).

Sessions and counseling

Sessions and counseling are done via voice calls or, depending on the circumstances, can take place in person or at workshops, meetings, etc.

The average session is one hour and occurs weekly.

A minimum period of 6 months is strongly suggested. We take it as an objective point of view that a few sessions `here and there` do not produce any substantial results and are basically a waste of time, energy, and money.

Most people subscribe for at least one year

Fundamental Objectives

• Our coaching model aims to cultivate metacognitive skills, enabling individuals to become self-directed thinkers who take ownership of their own growth.
• We strive to enhance individuals’ ability to think critically, reflect on their own thought processes, and cultivate their emotional intelligence.


– The coaching can also be done in form of group coaching.
– The coaching can be done in English or Italian.